K&P Internship Program 2024

K&P Internship Program 2024

Over the course of 3 weeks, we had the pleasure of welcoming six enthusiastic law students for their internship at our firm: Anna Anastasia Boutou, Vasiliki Christofilopoulou, Ifigeneia Papagiannopoulou, Rafaela Tsotra, Mary Tziora and Flora Xirouchaki! As their internship concludes, we are confident in the comprehensive understanding they have developed of the dynamic operations within a law firm.


Our dedicated Trainee Lawyers coordinated a detailed program filled with engaging presentations and interactive activities, allowing the interns to delve into a variety of legal practice areas and also explore the functions of different departments, including HR, Marketing, IT, and more. Our goal was to provide a meaningful and enjoyable experience, equipping them with practical knowledge and igniting their passion for the legal profession.


Moving forward, we are certain that the experiences and insights they’ve gained will significantly contribute to their future careers.